Addison, IL Speeding Ticket Attorneys

Lawyers Fighting Speeding Tickets in DuPage, Cook, and Surrounding Counties
Illinois assesses fines according to both the velocity and the location, so speeding tickets in construction zones, school zones, and other areas are among the most expensive traffic violations in the vehicle code. In addition to the direct costs, there are increased insurance rates and other secondary costs. Altogether, according to one estimate, the actual cost of a speeding ticket is seven times the fine.
The assertive lawyers at Stringini & Garvey, P.C. have over 65 years of combined experience. In that time, they have developed proven methods for dealing with traffic tickets. Many times, we can get the penalties reduced or eliminated by either getting the ticket thrown out of court or by negotiation a favorable pretrial settlement. Also, in many cases, a lawyer can appear in traffic court for you so that you can stay on the road.
School Zone Speeding
Illinois statute 625 ILCS 5/11-605 can be in effect at any public, private, or parochial school. The law carries very stiff penalties:
- $150 minimum fine for a first offense, and
- $300 minimum fine for a second offense.
Prosecutors generally recommend the maximum fine of $1,000; each infraction also carries a $50 state surcharge and other add-ons. Furthermore, unlike in regular speeding cases, it is legal for officers to use radar within 500 feet of the sign.
Speeding in a school zone is also one of the most difficult cases for the state to prove. Not only must school be in session at the time, but children must also be so close thereto that a potential hazard exists because of the close proximity of the motorized traffic. First of all, not all schools have the same schedule. Secondly, children are normally only present near the street for short periods early in the morning and late in the afternoon.
The statute is also very specific as to the signage: there must be precise language and warnings. If the sign is partially obscured or the language was omitted, additional defenses may apply.
Construction Zone Speeding
Illinois is one of the few jurisdictions which does not require workers to be present in a construction zone for the reduced speed limit to apply. Otherwise, these citations are similar to school zone matters, in terms of the financial penalties involved, the use of radar, and the specific sign requirements. One major difference is that a second conviction carries a mandatory 90-day license suspension.
Court supervision, which means that the person is not convicted, is possible in some circumstances. Given the possible loss of driving privileges, it is critical that an attorney keeps a conviction off your record by either getting the ticket thrown out or having the punishment reduced to court supervision.
To save money and avoid possible license suspension, contact Stringini & Garvey, P.C. at 630-834-9595. We assist clients in DuPage County, Cook County, and throughout the surrounding areas. Se habla Español.